Friday, January 20, 2006

Burn the Books

You know what?

Scarlett Johansson. Smokin' hot. I think she takes the top spot on my list now.

I watch The Office every Thursday night. Well, one of the characters has a blog, and it is hilarious. A quick quote...

"Winter is the coldest season. For a reason. The sun
moves south, to warm up the Africans and the
Australians and leaves us in the northern climes to
fend for ourselves in the sleet and the frost."

I hate text books so much. Way too expensive.

It's been too windy around here. I don't mind a slight breeze. Especially if there's a chic with a skirt walking by. But this wind is enough to make everyone wear pants and such. Yes, it's the wind causing it, not the temperature. The high was around 78 degrees today. Unbelievable. It motivates me to look for a job out of state. Somewhere cold would be awesome.

Otherwise, I don't have too much to report. It's been a slow day. I should probably clean my room or something. I could pack. But I'm lazy.

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