Thursday, January 19, 2006

Other Classes

Yea, today was much better.

Spanish is going to be awesome. Everyone passes and there's a few chics in there that are easy on the eyes. The Intro to Perl class is going to be fun. 4 to 5 projects, a final, and that's it. All in less than 2 months. And I don't even go to that class on Fridays! Friggin' sweet.

I still have no idea when my lessons are. I'll expect the traditional email this weekend. And I'm still aiming for Friday from 2:30 to 3:30.

Right now, the worst part is that I have to eat during class. I really hate doing that. I always feel like I'm being rude or something. I get a 15 minute break tomorrow, but that's not enough time to order, eat, and run to class. I don't like being in a hurry. So, once the store inside the Union stocks up on cinnamon-powdered donuts I'm going to go crazy on them. So good.

I spent all of last semester without carbonated beverages. I've really craved them lately, and I broke. So, I'm drinking soda again. But it's fine. I really didn't feel that much different without it. My health is crazy like that. My ultra-fast metabolism keeps me from gaining weight or getting out of shape.

Alright, I better head to bed. 3 hours of class and then an afternoon nap. Gonna stay up late tomorrow night and have fun. Maybe do some homework too.

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