Saturday, March 15, 2008

Decisions again...

About a month ago, I left our [electronics] department to work with the [computer technicians.] Things have been going well. Not great, but definitely not bad. I'm picking things up fairly quick, and I feel comfortable.

I found out yesterday that my old supervisor is transferring to another store. That means that his position is available. One person asked if I was going to apply. Another person from that department said I should apply. These are comments from my peers, and it shows that I've proven myself.

But I don't know. It'd be nice just to apply. I just feel like it would be awkward since I would be watching over people I was on the same level with. I don't mean that I'm better. Just that they would have to take orders from me on occasion, and that wasn't the case about a month ago.

If the pay is tons better, why not? That's why I say, 'I dunno.' If a manager asks me about it, I'd be more comfortable. Otherwise, I'll just sit back and be happy.

I really am happy right now. I just feel like a little bonus in my pocket would be nice too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more posts please -b