Wednesday, November 30, 2005

End November

Well, my plan is to go to seep at 11:20 and wake up at 6:50. Just a plan though.


Speaking of Elisha Cuthbert...I love gum.

I really hate it when I go to a site and there's background music. I usually have WinAmp going, so once the background music starts up, it's a hideous mashup. Of course, I'm speaking about MySpace. I don't like MySpace. I'm not a fan of FaceBook right now.

Holy crap! It's going to be December tomorrow! That didn't occur to me until just now.

The high temperature for December 3rd? 80 degrees. That's just ridiculous. Sometimes, I hate living in Texas.

Hmm...from now on, I'm going to do a monthly review on the last day. Let's review the month of November.

  • No trip to El Paso. Yay.
  • High school kids do it, anywhere and everywhere.
  • Teh b00bs!
  • Switched blogs.
  • Do it before you get married.
  • No more revealing clothing.
  • Pain relievers and walruses.
  • Teri Hatcher has "ugly crying face."
  • EE sucks.
  • Bit my lip. Twice.
  • Packing.
  • Traffic.
  • Fun.
  • Boring bookmarks.
  • No more muffin tops!

Finally, I'll leave you with some lyrics to think about.

"If you're free you'll never see the walls.
If your head is clear you'll never free fall.
If you're right you'll never fear the wrong.
If your head is high you'll never fear at all."
Audioslave - Exploder

This Is Why

"She's so hot it's juicy."

-Corby on Elisha Cuthbert (It's her birthday today. Listening to The Ticket.)

Current top 3: Elizabeth Hurley, Kelly Carlson, Elisha Cuthbert.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I Like What I See

I filled out a survey that was sitting in my junk mail folder. One of the questions was, "What is the first feature you notice in the opposite sex?" I know that I answered jokingly "teh b00bs!"

And now I think about what exactly makes someone sexy to me.

I have to say that one feature I am very critical of is a woman's legs. I notice the muscle tone, the curvature of the quad and hamstring, the proportion of the upper leg to the lower leg, and the ratio of leg length to the entire body. I know perfect legs when I see them.

Unfortunately, the second thing I notice is a woman's rear. I say 'unfortunately' because most of the females I see today do not have a rear to look at. This whole fashion trend of wearing jeans that are too tight and hug right below the waist is terrible. I hope it's fading out. Too many 'muffin tops.' And too many times I see a profile where the back leads directly to the leg, with no curve at all to spot.

However, I am proud to say that eyes are third on the list. Nothing is better than a brunette with blue eyes.

Yea, getting all three is a rarity. I'm willing to wait though.

As far as personality goes, I can't pinpoint what I like, but I'll try.

  • Women who understand that Mavs games are important.
  • Women who understand that every once in a while, I'll want complete silence.
  • I like a woman who takes time to make sure everything is perfect.
  • Women who call me.

I can tell you what I don't like.

  • Extreme feminists. (The ones who don't shave.)
  • Women who burp out loud, on purpose.
  • Women with more than two pets. (A cat, a dog, or both is fine. More is not.)

Eh, I'll think about it some more.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Buy Stuff!

Absolutely hilarious. It takes balls to market this product.

Another outrageous product. A good Christmas gift for someone who loves fruit. Someone who really, really loves fruit.

Nothing extraordinary today. My stomach didn't cooperate with me this morning, so I only went to two of my classes. Eh, not like the third one matters. I'm going to wake up early tomorrow so I can take a unit test before CS 349, and possibly take another unit test after class. Hopefully.

Amazing. I have a list of sites I check daily, and there's nothing new. A congressman admits that he accepted bribes, one head coach gets fired while another is arrested for drunk driving. I'm waiting for that one big event that leaves everyone in shock. It's almost Decemeber. Something has to happen.

I find myself searching for another bookmark, something to give me a reason to stay up 5 more minutes. Alas, I find nothing.

And right before I laid down, I read one post. "What makes someone sexy to us," indeed.

A Fireside Chat

...without the marshmallows.

Sorry. It's been a few days. A few hellish days. Well, except for the part about spending time with family. That was nice.

I was able to hang out with Robert and Pat during this little vacation. For those of you who do not recognize these names, I'll give a little background for each.

There are people in my family that I have no blood relation to. They are people who look out for my family, and my family looks out for them. Robert is closer to my brother's age. They both went to high school together and such. Back in the day, when I was a young'n, Robert babysat me. He's pretty much a brother of mine.

Same goes for Pat. Pat is a bit older than me, but only by 5 or 6 years. Most of my humor comes from hanging around Pat. He would spend weekends at my parents' house. We'd drive around, go to the mall, or just grab a camera and find funny stuff. Another brother of mine.

Either way, we all told stories at my parents while eating ham and such. Plenty of laughing and catching up. They both live in the Dallas area, so I don't get to see them often.

Heading back home sucked. I went to bed at 3, woke up at 7, and my stomach was cranky. There wasn't much traffic, so it only took 3 hours to get home. Unpacked, fell onto my bed, and passed out for 3 hours. Unfortunately, naps like that aren't good. Always leaves you feeling groggy and what-not. Also, that nap threw my sleeping schedule off even more. Didn't go to bed until 6 last night and didn't wake up until 2 this afternoon.

Ugh, I have to go to school tomorrow. That sucks. But then again, it's only 2 more weeks, and then finals. Afterwards, I'll head home for 2 weeks, try to relax as much as possible, and then come back and prepare. This spring semester is going to be rough, and I intend to put forth ore effort than I did this semester. I need to stop being lazy. I need to focus. Then I can graduate, get my nice job, get a nice car, and get a nice place. I can't wait.

Either way, time for sleep.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Hey Man

...slow down. Slow down.

That settles it. Next Thanksgiving, I'm not leaving town. I don't care who is showing up in Dallas, I'm not going anywhere.

Traffic was a nightmare. Most of it was unnecessary. I'm glad I don't drive, because I'm afraid that if I did, I would constantly be in a foul mood. Punching the steering wheel, cussing at the top of my lungs, and flipping off many a driver. What should have been a 3-hour trip lasted nearly 5 hours. (Yes, I know some of you have had much longer car trips. Or bus trips.)

Tom Cruise bought a sonogram machine. I hate him.

Jessica Simpson is getting separated? Eh, she has serious man-face going on in some of her pictures. I guess it'll be interesting to see who she tricks next.

And these cases just keep popping up. You know, back when I was in high school, we didn't have teachers like these. And even if we did, none of them were attractive.

Alright. I'm tired. I'm going to pass out for half of a day and see what happens.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Countdown food, drink, and sleep.

I'm packing. Kind of.

I'm reloading my Shuffle for the 3-hour drive. I don't plan on talking much or listening to talk, so I better get the best of the best. I would list all 80-something songs, but that would take forever. So I'm not gonna. Let's just say that Audioslave, A Perfect Circle, and 'other' are getting a much needed boost. (By 'other,' I mean podcasts from The Ticket.)

My lessons went well today. I'm slowly learning how to play the piano. I just looked at some sheet music, worked my way through it slowly, and then increased the tempo. A couple more years of this, and I could be legit. Nothing more calming than music.

My second class for the day was cancelled. Didn't know about it until someone showed up and was like, "Oh, I think we don't have class today." So I left. Came home, ate some powdered donuts, and did not much else.

I guess I'll log onto AIM, see if anyone's awake, and then finish packing. Eh, I think I'll just skip to packing.

Oh, and I will try to post while at home. My parents have cable internet finally, so I'm not going to miss anything. Oh, and there's supposed to be crazy mad sales on Friday, so hopefully I can upgrade their computer.

Hope everyone enjoys their food and what-not.

Monday, November 21, 2005

It Could Be Worse...

...I could be a turkey.

Well, I'm going to bed really, really early tonight. I have to wake up for Horn lessons tomorrow morning. I want to get to campus an hour early so I can work on my solo before the lesson starts. I really want things to be perfect.

Jeans. Brown shirt. Sounds ok for tomorrow.

Tomorrow and Wednesday. That's all I have left before I head home for a few days. I'm really looking forward to it. I need some relaxation. My plan is to eat a ton of ham, a ton of pumpkin pie, and drink tons of egg nog. I love egg nog so much. Well, except for that one time I started downing it and I was 4. Same effect as milk-chugging. But I've learned my lesson.

Ha! My nephew does this thing where he gets tense and makes a face. No, he's not crapping. If you flex your muslces at him, he does it back. Don't know where he picked it up, but it's hilarious.

Great. I just bit my lip. Again. In the same place.

I give up for today. I'll recharge and get back to you tomorrow.

Hey, EE...


I hate EE classes. In fact, I think they are at the top of my list. That's right, EE jumped over the Spurs to end their 2-year streak at number 1.

So, right after EE 316, I have Spanish. A unit test is supposed to take 50 minutes. Being the responsible person I am, I started my test 10 minutes before class began. I always do this because I hate being late to my next class. I turn in my test with about 20 minutes to go before Spanish starts. Good timing. Except that the TAs take 10 minutes to grade one test, and if the graded person has a question, then that just adds to the amount of time wasted. There were only 2 TAs, and about 3 people were in front of me to be graded. In short, I started my test at 10:50, turned it in at 11:35, and it wasn't fully graded until 12:30. Yes, I missed Spanish.

The software we use to test our circuits was written by an Electrical Engineer. As a result, it crashes whenever you do anything. EE people should stick to what they know. Let the CS people write the software. Morons.

After class, I decided it was best for me to walk into a bathroom and count to 10. I was minutes away from punching a random object and breaking every bone in my hand. Metal, porcelain, I didn't care. It would have made me happier if it were an EE undergrad.

It's not hard to grade. You grab the answer key, see if the test and the key match up, and if not, mark it wrong. Simple. Very simple.

So, so frustrated.

Your Time Has Come

So, Modblog has been down for quite some time. At least 4 days now. As a result, I've updated the link for LittlestNinja.

I feel like I didn't accomplish anything this weekend. I slept all of the time. Then again, I am pretty burned out. I thought I had this half-week and then one more week. Turns out there's another week I forgot about. Just when I thought it was over, it's not. But it also means I have an extra week to finish my unit tests for EE 316. I need to take Unit 13 tomorrow. That leaves 7 or so to do by Decemeber 9th. Not impossible.

I finally watched a full episode of The Boondocks. Absolutely hilarious. You should really check it out.

About 3 episodes ago on Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher's character broke down on the street. I didn't say it before, but I'll say it now. Teri Hatcher has a terrible, hideous crying face. It was hard to look at her.

Oh, and I watched My Boss's Daughter last night. Yea, I know. I was awake and I was bored. Well, I realized that Tara Reid isn't on my list anymore, and I'm not sure when she stopped making the cut. I also remembered that Carmen Electra still has something goin' on. Too bad she married Dave Navarro. Now it's all ruined. Eh, like it wasn't ruined when she married Rodman.

Hmm...current top 3? Monica Bellucci, Eva Longoria, Keira Knightley.

Ha, Christina Aguilera is married now? I feel sorry for the husband. For some reason, I just think that no matter how many showers Christina takes, she'll always be dirty. Wouldn't touch her with a 10-foot pole.

This is scary
. I live in Texas. And if someone points me out in a lineup, this could happen to me.

Yet, I can't say that I'm in favor of the death penalty. I also can't say that I'm against it. I know, I just wrote that I wouldn't sentence a cat to death. But at the same time, if a person has taken innocent lives, I can't imagine not giving them the death penalty. If they are mentally-handicapped, I can see that as an exception. A 25-year old person who has the mental capacity of a 12-year old can't be tried as an adult. It wouldn't make sense. And that leads to another issue. At what age should we allow the option of a death penalty? Some 16-year olds are very intelligent and aware of their actions.

The one question everyone has to ask their self, is if someone killed a loved one of yours, what would you want to see as a fitting punishment?

It's really a big mess. Some might argue that we are not in any position to judge another human being. At the same time, a criminal must be judged and sentenced. We cannot wait for punishment by a higher source. I mean, what, do we just handcuff the guy and watch? Do we let the person loose and say they'll pay for it later?

For anyone who uses text from the bible as an argument against the death penalty, you should read Revelations 13:10.

There's the argument that if one innocent life is condemned, then the death penalty is a failure. I can see the reasoning behind this. It's a solid argument. But you could also ask about all of the innocent 'lifers' in prison. What about the innocent people who are sentenced to a decade or two, but die while in prison?

How is this really different from the ol' witch hunts? Throw them in a lake with their hands and feet tied together. If they float, they're a witch, and if they sink, they were innocent.

And even that was better than any punishment from the Middle Ages.

Either way, time for more sleep. I think I have a long day coming up.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Mirror, Mirror're looking sexy!

A great concert. Made me very happy.

I skipped my one class for today. I just didn't want to wake up and leave home. The bed was just so nice and warm. But I'll wake up tomorrow morning. I'll go to my first two classes and then come home. I don't know why, but I'm getting migraines again.

Pain relievers are something else. I normally don't take them. Unless you're going to pass out from the pain, tough it out. I broke my arm in the middle of an afternoon, went to sleep that night, and finally went to the doctor the next morning. Wasn't a fracture, it was a complete break. Almost through the skin.

Oh, but I still think back to last August. Those sedatives were awesome! I've never felt that relaxed. Don't worry, I won't turn to hard drugs to recreate that feeling. I'm not like that. But I am going to lay down soon and just do nothing. That should be good enough.

People on the bus are creepy. Well, some of them. People try to talk to me, so I just nod my head and stare out of the window. Unless you're a chic, I'm not going to listen to you. Oh, and you better be easy on the eyes.

Looks are important. Now, I'm not going to say they mean everything, but no one wants to marry a walrus. Have you looked at a walrus recently? Ever noticed how no one says that their favorite animal is the walrus? There's tons of stuffed animals out there, but none in the form of a walrus. Either way, I'm not encouraging anyone out there to get plastic surgery. I don't like fake.

Alright, that's enough. I want some sleep.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005



I just don't feel well tonight. I'm going to just go to bed right after I'm done typing. Lessons early tomorrow morning, then my favorite class, and then some time to nap in the afternoon. I'm going to a French Horn choir concert tomorrow night at 8PM. It's going to be awesome.

As you can see, I've taken down the Google ads. I'd much rather have pictures than some ad for toilet paper.

Oh, and the cat on the left? Don't know whose it is. My bro found it and it sorta followed him. We've put up posters with a picture and a phone number, but nothing yet. My mom doesn't want another cat. So, unless the owner claims her, we're going to have to find one of those no-kill animal shelters. What? I grew up around cats and dogs. I like both. And if there's anything that pisses me off, it's hearing about animal abuse or neglect. The owner is at fault for letting her out, and I'm not going to give this cat a death sentence because of it.

I found some shelters. If we don't hear anything by Friday, we'll take it there.

Sputnik Monroe. Sounds good. Check them out and see if you like. They have a free song titled EEE Funk. Not bad at all.

Oh, and my lessons were cancelled. That's alright though. Still have a concert to go to. I'll get my music fix.

Alright, time to dream.

You Must Be Cold's very visible.

It's finally getting cold here in Austin. It's a bitter-sweet thing. I love cold weather so much. Nothing is more invigorating than a cold wind hitting your face. Let's you know you're alive. But, skirts and tight, thin shirts disappear. Nothing to smile about once it's all gone. Nothing to look at when it's all covered up.

Find out if you're drunk.

I've decided that drinking is going to be a part of my life again. Things were just so much easier when I had a drink or two in me at all times. Classes felt twice as short, the homework assignments were too easy, and all of my standards were lowered. I had a reason to smirk.

Hell, I also fell asleep easier. And I didn't have ulcers back when I drank. I also didn't stress out. Alright, that solves it. Drinking is my solution. Now, I'm not going to start getting wasted everyday or anything. I just think some Bailey's and a Frappucino would be a nice kick-start in the morning.

There's a very odd sound coming from outside. Very weird. I better check it out.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What Is Love?

The blood is love...

I'm thinking about whatever it is that I love. Honestly, I guess I'm not thinking about anything.

I've had many a female love me. Or so they said. Which shows why I'm still single. I'm not looking for love right now. I haven't been looking for love at all in my 21 years of existance. I'm just looking for fun, easy, no-strings-attached fun. The kind of fun where you wake up in the morning, grab your pants, and run out of the door. The kind of fun that ruins your life because you know you'll never experience anything like that again.

There was a speaker on the edge of campus Friday afternoon. He was shouting "the word" about how we're all going to Hell. He talked about pre-marital sex and how it's sinful and what-not. Some of the other students were just laughing at him. One said out loud, "I was going to Hell anyway." I don't think pre-marital sex gives you instant damnation. I can only imagine a few actions that just couldn't be forgiven.

By the way, that AXE body wash, phoenix-scented, is killer.

So yea, birth control is awesome. I saw an ad for something called the NuvaRing. All of the women in the advertisement looked so happy. They must have been happy because now they can share their "goods" with any guy that walks by. Makes me happy too.

So, my plan is to get some sleep, dream about models, and wake up for school.!



Don't know what to say.

You can find all of the old stuff at

I just figure it's time to talk about all of the things I said I never would. Religion, politics, whatever. I know I'm going to step on toes, but I also think that everyone will hear something they like.

By the way, today is my parents' 30th anniversary. Who says love doesn't last?

In fact, that will be my next post. After I take a shower. Got a haircut, and all of it is on the collar of my shirt. Sucks.

"God-forsaken but never too late with my
Halo--I'm complete
Halo--with me underneath
Halo--I'm reborn
I can do no wrong"
Audioslave - The Worm