Monday, November 21, 2005

It Could Be Worse...

...I could be a turkey.

Well, I'm going to bed really, really early tonight. I have to wake up for Horn lessons tomorrow morning. I want to get to campus an hour early so I can work on my solo before the lesson starts. I really want things to be perfect.

Jeans. Brown shirt. Sounds ok for tomorrow.

Tomorrow and Wednesday. That's all I have left before I head home for a few days. I'm really looking forward to it. I need some relaxation. My plan is to eat a ton of ham, a ton of pumpkin pie, and drink tons of egg nog. I love egg nog so much. Well, except for that one time I started downing it and I was 4. Same effect as milk-chugging. But I've learned my lesson.

Ha! My nephew does this thing where he gets tense and makes a face. No, he's not crapping. If you flex your muslces at him, he does it back. Don't know where he picked it up, but it's hilarious.

Great. I just bit my lip. Again. In the same place.

I give up for today. I'll recharge and get back to you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooooh! have fun at home!!!